Steps to KnowledgeThe Book of Inner Knowing

Step 18

Today I feel the truth arising within myself.

THE TRUTH MUST BE FULLY EXPERIENCED. It is not merely an idea; it is not merely an image, though images and ideas may accompany it. It is an experience, and so it is something that is deeply felt. It may manifest in slightly different ways for those who are beginning to penetrate it, but nonetheless it will arise. It is something you must feel. To have a feeling orientation, your mind must be still. Truth is something you will feel with your entire body, with your entire being.

KNOWLEDGE DOES NOT SPEAK TO YOU AT EVERY MOMENT, but it always holds a message for you. To come into the proximity of Knowledge means that you become more and more like Knowledge itself—more whole, more consistent, more honest, more devoted, more concentrated, more self-disciplined, more compassionate and more self-loving. All of these qualities are developed as you approach that which is the source of these qualities.

IT IS IN THIS DIRECTION THAT YOU WILL PRACTICE moving today as you feel the truth arising within yourself. This will join all aspects of you, giving you a uniform experience of yourself. In your three 15- minute practice periods, give your full attention to feeling the truth arising within yourself. Practice in stillness, and do not be discouraged if it is difficult at first. Simply practice and you will proceed.

THROUGHOUT THE DAY AS WELL, without doubt or hesitation, pursue your true goal in life. From this true goal will come all of the important things that you will need to accomplish and the great power of vision and discernment that will allow you to find those individuals that you have come into the world to find.

Practice 18: Three 15-minute practice periods.

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