YOU HAVE COME TO THE WORLD TO WORK. You have come to the world to learn and to contribute. You have come from a place of rest to a place of work. When the work is done, you go home to a place of rest. This can only be known, and your Knowledge will reveal this to you when you are ready.
FOR NOW, PRACTICE UPON THE HOUR. Tell yourself that you have come to the world to work, and then take a moment to feel the reality of this. Your work is greater than your current employment. Your work is greater than what you are currently attempting to do with people and for people. Your work is greater than what you are attempting to do for yourself. Understand that you do not know what your work is. That will be revealed to you and it will evolve for you, but understand today that you have come to the world to work. This will affirm your strength, your purpose and your destiny. This will affirm the reality of your True Home, from which you have brought your gifts.
Practice 65: Hourly practice.